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[课件]外研版(2019)选择性必修 第一册 unit 3 faster, higher, stronger 课件(共6份)内容预览-尊龙凯时人生就博

日期:2024-08-19 科目:高中英语 类型:课件 来源:二一教育课件站
预览图 0
() section ⅵ  writing & presenting ideas unit 3 faster,higher,stronger [文体指导] 运动记事是用来记录你所经历过的运动赛事的一种文体。 [基本框架] [学以致用] 假如你是李华,上周你们学校举办了秋季运动会。请就你印象最深的比赛写一篇运动会记事,要点如下: 1.比赛形式及内容; 2.从中得到的启发。 注意:词数:80左右。 参考词汇:sports meeting _____ _____ _____ 【微点拨】 写作之前要看清题目的要求,记录自己印象最深的一场运动会赛事,包括其形式、内容及结果,谈谈本场比赛对你的启发。 [核心语块] 1.给某人留下印象 _____ 2.集中精力 _____ 3.为……做准备  _____ 4.第一名 _____ 5.离弦的箭 _____ 6.令某人惊讶的是 _____ leave a/an impression on sb. focus one's energy on prepare for the first place the bat out of the hell to one's surprise [由词扩句] 1.上周四,我们学校举办了一年一度的运动会,这让我们都十分兴奋。 _____ 2.在这些比赛中,男子100 米赛跑给我留下最深刻的印象。 _____ 3.比赛前,运动员们都集中精力做准备,希望能在比赛中赢得第一名。 _____ 4.令我们惊讶的是,这个男孩再次站起来,膝盖血流不止。 _____ last thursday,our school held the annual sports meeting,which made us quite excited. among the matches,the men's 100 meter race left the deepest impression on me. before the race,the players all xfocused their energy on preparing for the competition,hoping they could win the first place. to our surprise,the boy stood up again,and his knees is bleeding. 5.我被这个男孩感动了,我意识到我们应该为了成功而全力以赴。 _____ [句式升级] 6.将句4升级为with的复合结构。 _____ i was touched by the boy and i realized that we should go all out to achieve success. to our surprise,the boy stood up again,with his knees bleeding. [连句成篇] last thursday,our school held the annual sports meeting,which made us quite relaxed and excited. the sports event was so amazing that i can still remember it clearly.among the matches,the men's 100 meter race left the deepest impression on me.before the race,the players all focused their energy on preparing for the competition,hoping they could win the first place. when the race began,they run as fast as they could,just like a bat out of a hell. however,i saw a short boy fall to the ground near the finish line.to our surprise,the boy stood up again,with his knees bleeding.then he struggled to move to the finish line,where all the students cheered and applauded for the brave boy. we were all touched by the boy and we learned that we should go all out to achieve success. 谢 谢 观 看() section ⅲ using language unit 3 faster,higher,stronger 文本 目 录 语法专项突破 01 学习效果验收 02 课时分层作业 03 contents 语法专项突破 01 写出每个句子的主语部分 1.(教材p34)knowing where the ball would go wasn't easy. _____ 2.(教材p35)shooting with great accuracy was another thing he learnt. _____ 3.(教材p35)in this way,practising day in and day out helped stephen sharpen his skills. _____ 4.(教材p35)playing ... ...
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