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[素材]外研版(2019)选择性必修 第一册 unit 5 revealing nature 单元知识清单(素材)内容预览-尊龙凯时人生就博

日期:2024-08-19 科目:高中英语 类型:素材 来源:二一教育课件站
预览图 2
高中英语 高中英语
单元知识清单 【重点词汇】 ⅰ.立体式复习单词 a.基础单词 1. seed n.种子,籽 2. disgrace n.丢脸,耻辱 3. geologist n.地质学家 4. decline n.减少 5. blame v.把……归咎于;责怪,指责 6. giant adj.巨大的,特大的 7. centimetre n.厘米 8. root n.根 9. legend n.传说,传奇(故事) 10. goat n.山羊 11. primitive adj.原始的,低等的 12. worldwide adj.遍及全世界 13. sample n.样本 14. ancestor n.动物的原种,祖先 b.词汇拓展 1.distant adj.遥远的 → distance n.距离;间距 2.evolve v.进化→ evolution n.进化(论) 3.generate v.产生,创造 → generator n.发电机→ generative adj.有生产能力的 4.suspect v.猜想,怀疑,觉得→ suspicion n.怀疑;疑心→ suspicious adj.怀疑的;可疑的 5.characteristic n.特征,特性→ character n.特征;人物;角色;汉字 6.decline v.减少→ declining adj.下降的;衰落的 7.myth n.(古代的)神话→ mysterious adj.神秘的 8.legend n.传说,传奇(故事)→ legendary adj.传说中的 9.detect v.发现,察觉(尤指不易觉察出的事物)→ detection n.发现;察觉→ detective n.侦探 【短语回顾】 ⅱ.递进式回顾短语 a.短语互译 1. answer the call 响应号召 2. be a disgrace 是耻辱,是丢脸的事 3. do research on 研究…… 4. date back to 追溯到 5. lead to 导致 6. adapt to 适应 7. share...with 与……分享 8. a variety of 各种各样的 9. suspect...of 怀疑…… 10. in the distance 在远处 11. be native to 源于……的,原产于…… 12. be to blame 受责备 13. in particular 特别;尤其 14. be harmful to 对……有害 15.by contrast 相比之下 16.serve as 用作;充当 17.communicate with 和……交流 18.side by side 并肩 19.remain to be discovered 有待发现 20.a call for help 呼救 b.用以上短语的适当形式填空 1.finally he caught sight of the young man's light overcoat in the distance. 2.he is of the opinion that money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money. 3.sue shares a house with three other students. 4.everyone is to blame for her death,including the police,child protective services and the mother. 5.in china,the needle treatment dates back to ancient times. 6.phoebe nanmu (楠木) is a rare tree that is native to china.it grows in sichuan and guizhou provinces. 7.china will actively answer the call. 8.this tool can be used in a variety of ways. 9.all our members work side by side to fight pollution. 10.parents and coaches in particular should act as better examples for children. 【句式仿写】 ⅲ.仿写式活用句型 1.what's more,he had recently received a letter from his father predicting that he would be “a disgrace to yourself and all your family” . 而且,这位年轻人最近收到了父亲的一封信,信中预言他将是“你自己和全家的耻辱” 。 【句式仿写】 正在那儿建造的房子是我的。 the house being built there is mine. 2.when the beagle reached the galapagos islands in 1835,darwin saw a variety of new species,but it was the birds that interested him the most. 1835年,当“小猎犬” 号到达加拉帕戈斯群岛时,达尔文看到了许多新物种,但最令他感兴趣的是鸟类。 【句式仿写】 要紧的是干工作的能力而不是你来自哪儿或你从事什么工作。 it is not where you come ... ...
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