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[课件]人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册 unit 2 iconic attractions 课件(共6份)内容预览-尊龙凯时人生就博

日期:2024-08-19 科目:高中英语 类型:课件 来源:二一教育课件站
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() 英 语 选择性必修 第四册 iconic attractions opening page [热身·话题妙切入] [单元主题语境]  人与自然———以博客的形式介绍澳大利亚的风土文化 一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册 【金语良言】 1.tourism is the mobile reading. 旅游是移动的阅读。 2.the world is a book,but people do not travel read only one page. 世界是一本书,而不旅行的人们只读了其中的一页。 3.visit any places of interest,a once interest,then swim and the other is a kind of scenery. 任何名胜,游览一次有一次的乐趣,再游便另是一种风光。 4.tourism is only with the feet and eyes,and travel to bring soul and dreams. 旅游仅仅是用双脚与眼睛,而旅行还要带上灵魂和梦想。 5.the reason why people love to travel,not to arrive,but in order to enjoy all the fun of the journey. 人之所以爱旅行,不是为了抵达目的地,而是为了享受旅途中的种种乐趣。 一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册 【主题导入】 when people think of new york city,most of them probably picture the attractive lifestyles of the rich and famous or think of broadway,times square and other tourists attractions.however,there is another side of new york city.the summer after tenth grade,i went with my group on a mission trip to new york city for a week. i had always known that poverty existed in major cities,but i had never seen it to a degree as high as we did there.we worked at several different locations with our small groups.one day,we served at a soup kitchen and what i saw astounded me.i couldn't believe my eyes.we saw people from all walks of life. we met people who came there because they had no job,no home and no money. 一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册 another day,we volunteered at a homeless shelter.we helped people there do some cleaning and spent time talking to them and listening to their stories.it was incredible to see how thankful they were to us for just spending a couple of hours talking to them. my experience during the summer changed my life.i used to picture my future as containing a big house and a lot of money,but now i see my future as helping others.after college,i would really like to work for some sort of global aid organization that deals with social issues,such as poverty and homelessness. 一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册 [词块积累] 1.attractive adj.有吸引力的 2.mission n.特使团,代表团;使命 3.poverty n.贫困 4.astound v.使惊骇;使大吃一惊 5.volunteer n.志愿者;义勇军;adj.志愿的;自动的vt.自动去做;自愿做……vi.志愿;做义工 6.incredible adj.难以置信的;惊人的;令人惊讶的 7.issue n.问题 一品课堂·高中同步导学案·英语 选择性必修 第四册 [阅读思考] 1.what do most people have in mind when thinking of new york city? they think it has attractive lifestyles and tourist attractions. 2.what did the author discover in the people at the homeless shelter they were poor but very hopeful about their future and thankful/grateful to the helpers. 3.how does the author's experienc ... ...
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