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[教案]外研版九年级上册 module 4 home alone unit 3 教案(共2个课时)内容预览-尊龙凯时人生就博

日期:2024-08-19 科目:初中英语 类型:教案 来源:二一教育课件站
预览图 3
初中英语 初中英语
外研版九年级上册 module 4 home alone unit 3 language in use 教学设计(第1课时) 一、教学目标 1. 学生能够复习并巩固本模块中关于独自在家的相关词汇、短语和句型。 2. 能够熟练运用所学语言知识进行口头表达和交流。 3. 通过练习,提高语言的综合运用能力。 二、教学重难点 重点:1.复习重点词汇和句型。 2.进行口语练习,提高表达的流利度和准确性。 难点:灵活运用所学知识应对不同的交流场景。 三、教学方法 练习法、情景教学法、小组合作法 四、教学过程 step 1 lead-in 1. play a short and engaging video about a child being home alone on the multimedia screen. pause the video at key moments and ask thought-provoking questions: "what specific actions can you see the child doing in the video " "how do you think the child's expressions and body language reflect his or her feelings at that moment " "can you guess what might happen next in the story " 2. guide students to actively recall and share the related content they have learned in this module. step 2 vocabulary and sentence pattern review 1. present the key vocabulary and sentence patterns on the screen in a clear and organized manner. 2. conduct a series of comprehensive and diverse exercises to consolidate the knowledge, including word spelling competitions, phrase filling challenges, sentence pattern transformation tasks, and error correction exercises. step 3 oral practice 1. create several detailed and realistic situations related to being home alone:"cooking at home alone for the first time", "dealing with a sudden power outage while home alone", "finishing a difficult project homework at home alone". 2. divide students into small groups of four or five. provide each group with sufficient time to discuss and plan their role-play conversations. encourage them to use the learned vocabulary and sentence patterns as much as possible and add their own creative ideas and expressions. 3. walk around the classroom during the group discussions, observing closely, listening attentively, and offering timely guidance and assistance. address any language errors or communication difficulties, provide suggestions for improvement, and praise and encourage good performance and efforts. step 4 group presentation 1. each group takes turns to present their carefully prepared role-play in front of the entire class. ensure that each member has an opportunity to participate and showcase their language skills and creativity. 2. after each group's presentation, encourage the other groups to listen attentively and make detailed evaluations based on multiple aspects. 3.provide students with clear evaluation criteria and examples before they start evaluating to help them make more objective and useful comments. step 5 grammar explanation 1. collect and carefully analyze the common grammar mistakes and difficulties that students encountered during the practice and communication. organize and categorize these mistakes for focused explanation and clarification. 2. focus on explaining the detailed usage, structural characteristics, and common app ... ...
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