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[试卷]unit 1 my classroom part b 同步练习题(含听力材料 听力mp3 含答案)内容预览-尊龙凯时人生就博

日期:2024-08-19 科目:小学英语 类型:试卷 来源:二一教育课件站
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 unit 1《my classroom》part b 同步练习题 班级:_____ 姓名:_____ 一、听力题 1.听录音,根据你所听到的内容选择正确的选项。 a. b. c. d. e. f. 1). 2). 3). 4). 5.) 6). 2.听录音,选出与你所听到的内容相符的图片。 ( ) 1). a. b. ( ) 2). a. b. ( ) 3). a. b. ( ) 4). a. b. ( ) 5). a. b. 3.听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 ( ) 1). a.let me clean the desk. b.let me clean the teacher’s desk. ( ) 2). a.the chairs are brown. b.the desks are brown. ( ) 3). a.look! the bee is on the wall. b.look! the bee is on the light. ( ) 4). a.there are four walls and a floor. b.there are five walls and four windows. ( ) 5). a.the pencil box is under the book. b.the book is under the pencil box. 二、未命名题型 选出每组中不同类的一项。 ( )4.a.door b.window c.our ( )5.a.what b.picture c.where ( )6.a.near b.on c.floor ( )7.a.one b.open c.close ( )8.a.orange b.under c.green 三、选择题 9.look! the door orange. the desks blue. (  ) a.is; is b.is; are c.are; are 10.look at _____ classroom. ( ) a.my b.me c.i 11.we have many _____ in the classroom. ( ) a.desk b.a desk c.desks 12.this is our desk. (  ) a.teachers b.teacher c.teacher’s 13.当你的组长说:“让我们来打扫教室吧”,你应当回答:( ) a.thank you. b.ok. 14.当你想表达“墙是蓝色的”,你应当说:( ) a.the floor is blue. b.the wall is blue. 15.当你想询问对方“教室在哪儿”时,你应当说:( ) a.what’s in the classroom b.where’s the classroom 16.你说我喜欢我的教室,你这样表达:( ) a.i like my classroom. b.i like my class. 四、填空题 17.the books are on the (teacher’s desk/chair). 18.the picture is on the (wall/floor). 19.the (wall/floor) is so clean. 20.it’s a new (tv/computer). 五、连词成句 21.in what’s classroom the ( ) 22.let, floor, me, the, clean (.) 23.under, is, it, the, desk (.) 24.the, book, is, where, green ( ) 六、匹配题 找出句子的正确答语。 a.it is near the window. b.thank you. c. ok. d.they are in the schoolbag. e. a teacher's desk and many chairs. 25.where is your desk ( ) 26.what's in your classroom ( ) 27.let me help you. ( ) 28.let's clean the floor. ( ) 29.where are your books ( ) 七、补全对话/短文 选择正确的句子序号,补全对话。 a.it’s near the door. b.how nice. c. let’s go and see. d.nice to meet you, too. e. look! tom: hi, amy! this is jack, our new classmate. amy: nice to meet you . jack: 30 amy: tom! we have a new classroom. tom: really 31 jack: it’s so big. amy: 32 this is my desk. jack: where is my seat tom: 33 jack: oh! 34 八、阅读理解 this is our new classroom. the windows are white. the blackboard is black. the wall is green. the lights are yellow. the teacher’s desk is orange. the desks and chairs are brown. i love my new classroom. 35.the windows are brown. ( ) 36.the blackboard is black. ( ) 37.the wall is blue. ( ) 38.the teacher’s desk is orange. ( ) 39.the desks and chairs are yellow. ( ) 参考答案: 1. b d c a f e 【详解】1). 听力原文:teacher’s desk ,词义为讲台。b ... ...
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