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[课件]unit4 my home part b let's learn &let's play 课件(共24张ppt)内容预览-尊龙凯时人生就博

日期:2024-08-19 科目:小学英语 类型:课件 来源:二一教育课件站
预览图 9
小学英语 小学英语
() unit4 my home part b let's learn& let’s play pep小学英语四年级上册 教学重难点 重点:能够听、说、认读重点单词。 难点:能够正确使用方位词表述物品位置。 en5课件,单词卡片 教学目标 教学准备 1、能够听、说、认读单词:bed, sofa, phoe, table, fridge。 2、能够熟练运用句型where are the keys they're ... 询问物品位置并作出回答。 warm up bathroom warm up bedroom warm up kitchen warm up living room warm up study welcome to my home. this is the _____. where is the phone, john it’s _____. under the table ok, mum. put the phone ____ the table. on they’re _____. on the sofa where ____ my glasses, john are where is the bear it’s on the bed. where are the keys they’re on the fridge. a: where is//are the _____ b: it’s//they’re _____. pair work where is the phone it's on the table. 问单数用 is, 回答用it's 。 where are the keys they’re on the fridge. 问复数都用are, 回答用they're。 where is /are the ... it's/ they're... practice let's play look at that room. look at that room. it has a blue bed. look at that room. it has a blue bed. the bed is near the window. draw a picture of your room. this is my bedroom. it has a bed. the bed is near the window… exercise 一、选出与所给单词同类的一项。 1. under a. study b. near c. bedroom 2. chair a. table b. floor c. wall 3. bed a. blue b. kitchen c. sofa 4. fridge a. phone b. window c. bathroom 5. study a. key b. living room c. toy 1. many apples are in the _____. a. fridge b. phone c. table 2. look _____ the window. it’s green. a. to b. at c. on 3. the sofa is in the _____. a. bathroom b. kitchen c. living room 二、单项选择。 summary 问:where are the 物品复数? 答:they’re 方位介词短语. 例句:where are the keys they’re on the fridge. 句子结构: homework: 1.用正确的手写体格式抄写5个新单词, 每个5遍,并背记拼写。注意边读边写。 2.造句3句,用-where are the ... -they're .... 3.用学过的单词把家里的家具,贴上英文标签, 并介绍给爸爸妈妈听。
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