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[试卷]unit 6 meet my family! part b 同步练习题(含听力材料 听力mp3 含答案)内容预览-尊龙凯时人生就博

日期:2024-08-19 科目:小学英语 类型:试卷 来源:二一教育课件站
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 unit 6《meet my family!》part b 同步练习题 班级:_____ 姓名:_____ 一、听力题 1.听录音,根据你所听到的内容选择正确的选项。 a. b. c. d. e. 1). 2). 3). 4). 5). 2.听录音,把人物和其相应的职业使用的工具连起来。 1). friend a. 2). uncle b. 3). father c. 4.) cousin d. 5). aunt e. 3.听录音,判断下列对话与你所听到的内容是(t)否(f)相符。 ( ) 1). —what’s your aunt’s job —she is a teacher. ( ) 2). —is that your baby sister —no, it’s my baby brother. ( ) 3). —what is her job —she is a nurse. ( ) 4). —is your uncle strong —yes, he is. ( ) 5). —is amy’s cousin a student —yes, she is. 二、选择题 4.this is my sister. _____ is a nurse. ( ) a.she b.he c.i 5.i _____ job. i’m a student. ( ) a.have no b.have c.has a 6._____ this your friend ( ) a.are b.is c.does 7._____ your aunt’s job ( ) a.what b.who c.what’s 8._____ father is a driver. ( ) a.lily b.lily’s c.lilys 9.你想介绍爸爸的职业是医生,应该说:_____ ( ) a.my father is a driver. b.my father is a doctor. 10.你不知道tom的姑母是干什么的,应该问:_____ ( ) a.what’s your aunt’s job b.what’s your uncle’s job 11.你不确定sarah的叔叔是不是一名司机,应该问:_____ ( ) a.is your uncle a doctor b.is your uncle a driver 12.你想介绍你家里有三口人,应该说:_____ ( ) a.my family has three people. b.how many people are there in your family 13.你想知道书桌上有几本书,应该问:_____ ( ) a.how many books are there on the desk b.how many apples are there on the tree 三、填空题 14.—what’s (she) job —she is a teacher. 15.what’s (your fathers / your father’s) job 16.my father is a (doctor / cooker). 17.he’s a (farm / farmer). 四、连词成句 18.is, a, my, father, farmer (.) 19.uncle, is, mike’s, this ( ) 20.is, your, aunt, this ( ) 21.are, family, photos, these, my, of (.) 22.photos, look, these, at (.) 五、匹配题 根据图片选句子。 a.this is my grandma. she has no job. b.this is my aunt. she is a doctor. c. this is my brother. he is a student. d.this is my father. he is a driver. 23. ( ) 24. ( ) 25. ( ) 26. ( ) 六、补全对话/短文 a: 27 b: six. my parents, my grandpa, my grandma, my sister and me. a: 28 b: my father is a teacher and my mother is a nurse. a: 29 b: 30 she’s a driver. a: 31 b: she’s a student. a.what’s your sister b.is your grandma a nurse, too. c.what are your parents d.how many people are there in your family e.no, she isn’t. 七、阅读理解 32.阅读短文,在表格中相应位置打“√”。 hello, i’m amy. i’m a girl. there are five people in my family. my grandfather, grandmother, parents and me. my grandfather is a farmer. he is tall. my grandmother has no job. she is friendly. my father is tall and strong. he is a driver. my mother is thin and short. she is a nurse. i’m a student. i have no job. i love my big, happy family. grandfather grandmother father mother amy no job nurse driver student farmer 参考答案: 1. c e a b d 【详解】1). 听力原文:driver 听力录音:driver(司机)。与图c相符,故选c。 2). 听力原文 ... ...
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